Ofsted Reports: 

Consistently OUTSTANDING

Read our most recent Ofsted Report 2019 here.

We are proud that our focus on creating the best environment for developing children have been recognised and praised. Childsplay was judged “Outstanding” for the fourth consecutive inspection on 5th December 2019.  The quality and standards of the early year’s provision stated that:

  • Staff effortlessly follow children's emerging interests and help them to develop a very strong sense of belonging and an excellent emotional stability. Children are immediately soothed and given reassurance by staff if they are upset. Children persevere and show great determination to succeed at tasks. Staff pose lots of 'I wonder' questions to children that help them to think and work things out for themselves. For example, pre-school children try to work out how to cut a piece of clay with a wire cutter.

  • The highly-qualified and experienced management and staff team successfully fulfils the highest of expectations for all children.

  • They create a vibrant, inspiring environment, indoors and outdoors. They expertly plan activities based on children's interests that ignite their curiosity and thirst for learning. For example, children show an interest in making dens in the garden. When they return indoors they are highly enthusiastic about building one in their room. Staff discuss with children how they can make the den and follow their ideas to suspend large pieces of material from the walls and ceiling. Children have a wonderful time playing in the den as they bring in resources from their room.

  • Team morale is high. Managers place exceptional attention on supporting staff's emotional well-being, including managing their workload.

  • Staff have an excellent knowledge of the curriculum. They know children extremely well.

  • Children develop exceptional language and communication skills that give a strong foundation for future learning. Babies' gestures and babbling are immediately responded to by staff who talk to babies and repeat emerging words and sentences as children get older.

  • There are wonderful opportunities for children to learn outdoors and to be inspired by nature and the wider world around them. For instance, from the age of three they attend the forest school. Here they learn how to explore and play safely in the woods and they eventually learn how to stay safe around a lit fire as they cook food.

  • Highly effective partnerships with parents involve them in all aspects of nursery life. They can be part of the cooperative committee and have a say in how the nursery is run.

(Ofsted Report, 2019, Page 1)

Previous Ofsted Raeports:

Ofsted Report 2013 - https://files.api.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/2266901

Ofsted Report 2009 - https://files.api.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/1249247

Ofsted Report 2006 - https://files.api.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/1429239