This week we began forest school with a brand-new group of extremely excited children ready for woodland adventures. As usual, we chatted to the children about where we would visit that day and the children decided they would like to go where there was water. We are very lucky to have some very large ponds on our site so it was off to the ponds for a day of exploring. When we arrived, we noticed some men angling. The children were intrigued and the kind men came and chatted with us about the types of fish which were present in the pond, even showing us one of their biggest catches. The children shared their own knowledge of fishing with one child stating, “In Peter Rabbit, the fish like shiny things”. The man agreed and explained that pike do like shiny things. The children are very good at teaching the adults too!
We continued our day walking through the beautiful woodland discovering some new and exciting places to explore. We found a huge ditch which we attempted to climb over. It was really tricky but we had lots of fun trying. We also found a completely new piece of woodland which we have never visited before. Our plan for next week is to check on the anglers and then head to the new section of forest school so watch this space!