This week the children split into three groups. Two of the groups began preparing the potato beds whilst the other group helped to weed the middle bed. It was a tough job but with a little perseverance, we managed to clear out the beds, turn them over and plant our potatoes.
We took some time to clean out our pond and to our amazement spotted a very special visitor. The children thought it might be a lizard! It certainly looked like a lizard but it was in fact a newt. We talked about being gentle with the newt and then placed it back into the water.
After lunch, it began to rain but we were safe and snug from the rain in our poly tunnel where we started some planting. We began by filling up lots of trays and pots with compost before placing seeds inside. We planted a huge variety of fruits, vegetables and flowers. We then watered our seeds and look forward to watching them grow.