Once we had all the resources we needed, the children began to create their bird feeders. Some children added holes to their plastic bottles so they could push sticks through for the birds to sit on. Others created windows so the birds could fly inside and eat the bird seed. Pompoms and feathers were added to make their design look attractive. We then talked about how we would attach our bird feeders to the trees.
“This hangs on here and the bottle and then the other bit hangs in the tree. I had to tie the knot with some help”

The children used their problem solving skills to ensure their bird feeders were exactly as they had planned. F wanted to create the correct sized hole for the birds and then tie his string to his bottle but it was proving difficult to do so however with some quick thinking he came up with another plan.
“I’ve done it. There’s a little bit of water but they might need that. The birds are really big so I need to make the hole go up. The string won’t reach the tree. I think it’s too low down. I need to make the hole bigger”.
“My idea didn’t work so I need to make this hole bigger and add more string”.