This week it was rather windy at forest school so the children decided instead of heading into our forest school site, we should go on an adventure. We all do love a forest school adventure!
As we headed deeper into the forest we spotted some amazing prints on the ground. We wondered what kind of animal may have made them. We had lots of guesses but one of the children knew exactly what had made them - a horse! Do we now have horses in our forest school?
On our adventure, we spotted an orange river which the children thought someone had poured orange juice into. We also met several dogs, found a strange ball on a leaf and found some strange looking fungus!
As we headed back to the minibus, the children (who were still risk assessing from the storm) spotted something dangerous. A huge branch had fallen and was leaning against a tree in our path. We were all a little bit concerned that this could cause problems for people walking past. But with our usual attitude of team work makes the dream work, the children got to work moving the tree and laid it safely on the ground. A super job done by an amazing forest school team!