This week, the children chose to work in the same area as our last visit. Last week, we focused our attention on dinosaurs and this week we discovered something else living in our forest school. One of the children discovered a circular pattern on the ground. This could only mean one thing…there was a blue and white python with chicken shaped, hypnotising eyes! This was serious! As we were so close to lunch time the children decided to set traps around our tarpaulin so we would be safe. We began to collect ‘yoga’ (ogre) sticks which we piled together to create huge traps for the snake. We then listened. We could hear the hissing sound of a snake but we knew it wasn’t going to get past the traps. We were safe for now!
After lunch, we headed into our site and discovered a huge number of snails and slugs. The children began to make small enclosures for them. We even found a big snail with a baby snail attached. We wondered why there were so many snails and slugs. They clearly like living in our forest school. The children really wanted to cross the wobbly bridge and get across the swamp but it was so wet and we couldn’t find a safe place to cross. We eventually decided it was much safer to stay on the firm ground and take care of our snails and slugs. We kept a sharp eye out for any deer but sadly we did not see any this week. We headed back to the nursery and chatted about our day. Would the snake make itself known next week? Who knows? We will be keeping a sharp eye on any rustling bushes that is for sure!