Thursday 12th September

As we ventured into the forest the children had a clear idea of what they wanted to do that day. The plan was to search for bugs, however as we arrived on site, Courtney spotted something truly amazing! We thought it may be a mushroom but it was shaped like a flower. Tara wondered if we might be able to look underneath but how could we do that as it was so close to the ground? Kirsten had a super idea and pushed our iPad as close to the mushroom as possible and we were amazed by what we were able to see underneath. The children chatted about what it looked like. We were now on a search for not only bugs but mushrooms as well!

 The children started to explore the area when we spotted a little visitor. It was a robin who sang us a beautiful forest song. It was a very friendly robin and some of the children decided to build a nest for him. He looked thrilled. The other children explored another area of our site where they discovered a tree with lots of twisting vines around it. We spotted little holes and something sparkly lying on the ground. Could this be the home of some magical creatures? We wondered what sort of creatures may be living around us. There were lots of wonderful ideas!

 After lunch, the children continued with their morning activities whilst another group of children began exploring sticks. They were fascinated by how tall the sticks were and a discussion ensued about who had the tallest stick, who had the shortest, what sticks could be used for and whose stick was taller than the grown-ups. Some of the sticks were really long and were definitely taller than the grown-ups. The time flew by and before we knew it, it was time to head back to nursery. We hope the little robin will visit us again next week.