This week we continued our work on the redevelopment of our allotment space. Now that we have collapsed our small poly tunnel and taken down our fruit cage, it was time to tackle the flooring. Again, we reiterated how to use a claw hammer and the children took in it turns, with the support of an adult, to take up the old poly tunnel floor. As we began to lift the floor, we were surprised by a huge frog which had been hiding underneath. We moved the frog to a safer place so we could resume our work.
We also have lots of plastic sheeting for another project on our allotment. They needed to be moved to the top of the allotment in preparation for our new nature area but they were a tricky shape and size. They also wobbled however this made all the children laugh as they made some very funny sounds. Thirty ‘wobble board's’ later and the children had carefully stacked the plastic sheets against the shed.
All of this work was exhausting so we had a lovely leisurely lunch before getting back to work and watering the plants. Our big polytunnel currently resembles a jungle due to the amount of tomato plants in there!