Our allotment is to receive a face lift over the next six months which is very exciting and today we began to discuss plans with the children. They had some amazing ideas about building a huge pond for every frog in the world to live in and also to make our own city on the allotment. These are great ideas and at Childsplay, we are always thinking big however we did have to scale down some of the more ‘magical’ plans.
The children began by emptying our small polytunnel and placing our growing plants into the big polytunnel. Then it was time to strip the cover off, move the frame and start to take up the old wooden floor. Tara took up the first piece of flooring demonstrating to the children how we use our claw hammer. Everyone then took it in turns to take up the wooden floor and then stack it in the fire pit ready for burning. Soon we had a rather large pile of wood!
At the bottom of our allotment, some children began to pick the raspberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries in preparation for the dismantling of our fruit cage which is a very big job! Once we had ensured we had collected as many as we could, we stood back and watched the grownups take it down (with a little encouragement from the children). We looked at what pieces of wood could be saved and which needed to be discarded. We began to stack the wood safely and stored it for the future (sustainability is key in this game!). We look forward to more planning and building work as we redevelop our space over the coming months.