Autumn Term - Tuesday 10th October

This week the children had another amazing time at forest school. We began by entering our forest school site and looking for mini beasts. We found a huuuuuggggge slug! He had lots of different colours around him and this began a discussion about what slugs might like to eat. The children looked around and decided that slugs must love leaves, plants and flowers. We searched the area for more mini beasts and in particular under the rotting wood but the area was very quiet. The children decided it was just too cold and windy for the mini beasts to be out that day. The wind started to get a little stronger so we decided to move further into the woodland and on to our river site.

When we reached the river, we talked about water safety. This included how fish can breathe under water but humans can’t. We looked at the water and it was so clear we were able to see right to the bottom. We tried to describe the colour of water and we had lots of thoughts. Blue, blue green, green, white, grey and finally clear. After lunch we would visit a special and rather magical part of our forest which would get us all thinking about what colour water really is. But first………lunch!

As usual after lunch, the children help to clear our tarp and place it back into the bag. The children shook the tarp and this turned into an impromptu parachute game. The children took it in turns to run under the tarp. Everyone took a turn (even the grown ups!). What a fun game. We then followed the river upstream until we came to the magical part of the river and what colour is our forest school magical river? It is orange! The children were amazed and discussed together how the water could be orange. They decided to place leaves, sticks and acorns into the river to see which were fastest and which could float.

The time to head back to nursery had arrived. The children decided they were feeling very strong and wanted to pull out trolley. They managed to pull it all the way to the minibus. Well done forest schoolers. Another wild adventure complete!