Autumn Term - Thursday 9th November

This week saw us take a new group of children to forest school and what a day we had! We began by talking about how to stay safe in the woodland the some of the children were able to share their experiences with others. As we walked along the path, the children chatted about their day and were eager to spot a deer. As we entered our forest school site, we spotted a footprint on the ground. We talked about the size and shape of it and we were able to confirm it was in fact a deer print. We decided it must have been made by a rather large deer as the footprint was the length as one of the children’s welly boots!

We headed deeper into our site where we spotted a deer on the hill but this was only a small deer. Could this be the deer who left their print behind? We weren’t sure. While sitting for lunch, we spotted two more deer which was very exciting.

In the afternoon, the children split into two groups. One group ventured onto the hill to explore the varying gradients and look at the changes Autumn had brought to the woodland whilst the other group stayed behind and built a new den for baby deer. The den was amazing and next week we hope to build a table and chairs to fit inside.